With more than 60 years of experience, 40 factories and 160 official agencies around the world, Inductotherm company is a global leader in induction melting technology with 80% market share in the United States and 60% market share in the global market. This Company has more than 32,000 induction melting furnaces in 125 different countries, including Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States, etc. Also, continuous improvement of products based on the research and development process, has led to the production of furnaces with the highest efficiency and melting speed and the lowest number of stops and the simplest maintenance and repairs with special features, some of which are:
⌘ Heating process at full power from start to finish
⌘ Automatic power control and very simple operation
⌘ Ultra-fast electronic disconnection system in case of emergency
⌘ Use a copper Busbar instead of a water-cooled copper pipe
⌘ Closed and separate loop water system for coils and panels
⌘ Thyristor, diode or IGBT with nominal values up to twice the required and apply protective circuits
⌘ Line voltage isolation with advanced ground connection detector circuit