Selling an induction furnace is not a simple product. In fact, the sale of induction furnace is the sale of a production line with different components. The correct choice of these components requires extensive experience and knowledge, which is achieved through the cooperation between the seller and the customer. Mehronic Engineering Company tries to support and help the customer in choosing the optimal product by providing the experiences of previous projects. In fact, this support and assistance continues from the beginning of the acquaintance until many years after the installation and deployment of the product. In this regard, the following services can be mentioned:
⌘ Advice on choosing the best furnace in terms of capacity and use for each customer
⌘ Consulting in the field of location and execution of casting workshop
⌘ Supervise the implementation of installation plans and provide the necessary instructions
⌘ Furnace operator training and troubleshooting
⌘ Provide after-sales warranty and product support
⌘ Provide a preventive maintenance program